Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Twarmy and Tweam... Passion, Unity and the Pursuit of Happiness

"No one can tell you what your passionate about.. your heart tells you"

Passion is a glorious and mystical thing. Some say it drives our universe. It can start and realise life long dreams, it can create permanent unions, it can start wars. Shared Passion can create the kind of Loyalty that is so deep and invokes such Unity that life long friendships are made and others broken. Countries Fall, Religions Start, Icons are Made......Passion is God, Devil and the Deep blue sea all in one.

"One mans passion is another mans indifference"

Its also true that your own Passions are yours only. You cannot make someone passionate about something. No such thing as Forced Passion. Its why Communism, Socialism, and Dictatorships always fail in the end. Attempting to make people passionate about something just doesnt work, what works is being passionate about your own beliefs and finding others who share your passion.

But what is also true is that your own passion and belief's can awaken a passion in others. How you go about showing others what your passionate about and why, and how you focus on your own goals, can motivate others to do the same. If it is a shared passion they will join you. If its some other pursuit they will go their own way. The secret is in knowing and accepting this, respecting yourself and your own desires, while respecting the same in others.
People that awaken the passion in others are what I call the truly "Special Ones"... the whole reason this blogger exists is because one of these special people awakened a passion in me.

Joss Whedon, an American Screenwriter, Producer and the creator of Buffy the Vampire Slayer(a Fav of this blogger) summed it up so well.....

“Passion, it lies in all of us, sleeping... waiting... and though unwanted... unbidden... it will stir... open its jaws and howl. It speaks to us... guides us... passion rules us all, and we obey. What other choice do we have? Passion is the source of our finest moments. The joy of love... the clarity of hatred... and the ecstasy of grief. It hurts sometimes more than we can bear. If we could live without passion maybe we'd know some kind of peace... but we would be hollow... Empty rooms shuttered and dank. Without passion we'd be truly dead.”

And Will Smith, a truly inspirational person, has told us.. "be willing to die for your belief's" Then you will know true passion.

So OK, you may be wondering what all this has to do with Twarmy and Tweam. Well it has everything to do about it.

We now have in our world two wonderful and talented young ladies who have a shared passion for creating music, performing and sharing with others. Shontelle and Alexandra are two of the truly "Special Ones" They have created a Unity amoung young people, awakened a passion so strong that even the highest exec's in the Music Industry stand up and take notice. In last nights U-stream Shontelle told us how when the Twarmy got her name in the trending topic "All the Blackberry's were going". They just couldn't believe such a thing could happen. I Imagine the times when the Tweam have had Alexandra's name up there exactly the same thing has happened. People see the Passion, the Unity in Young People, and they take notice. I'm sure it scares them, makes them question their own beliefs and their ideas on how to make things work.

Now the fact is, Shontelle and Alex are close friends, this is well known. They support each other in their own pursuits. And while they have a shared passion... the passion that each of them has is their own.. Their music is their own.... the way they are going about pursueing their own dreams, well that is their own too. Some people will love both, some will love one or the other. But both have awakened a passion in all of us. For each of us, me and you and everyone who has been touched by either one of these young ladies Music and Passion, a unity and loyality to one or too both of them has developed that cannot be ignored or denied. And its something that is good and worthy of praise. Its something that can change our world.

One thing we must all remember is that our own passions, well it is just that. Our own. Believe in yourself, respect yourself, love yourself and your own passions. BUT always remember to respect the same thing in all others. Any time and energy that you spend defending your own passion, criticizing others for theirs, fighting over who is right or wrong. That is a waste of your time and energy, it only creates the sort of things that we all know are wrong. Envy, Hatred, Jealousy, Sadness. Its Passion the Devil. It stands in the way of our Pursuit of Happiness.

I have watched and Observed the interactions between Twarmy and Tweam for a long time. I have seen shared passion, unity, friendships, loyalty. Between young people who are part of one, part of both. I have seen Love and Unity between young people which I truly believe can change the world.

So my message is this. Remember to love each other, just like Shontelle and Alex love each other.
"Love is when you take away the feeling, the passion and you still care for that person”

This is what Shontelle and Alex wanted for all of us, I am certain. #Twarmy4Life #Tweam4Life

The Pursuit of Happiness..... Unity in Young People, Music Changing the World

God Bless You All.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Blowy Naps, Fridgina & the new world order

"O.OMG Sorry, I just took an unexpected Blowy Nap and just K'OD on the stairs"

Blowy Nap?.. not what you think.... in the new world order Blowy is not an action or a thing or a place, its a real live person. Well when she is awake that is.. the Angel of the Twarmy tends to go to bed early and needs her rest. Blowy is part of the Twarmy & how she earnt that nickname is a story all of its own. "Sparty" and "Blowy" tweets will entertain you for hours.
Enter the World of Shontelle's Twarmy.. where every Refridgerator has a name, where #stannage and #grannage are a way of life.... where Salsa is not a dip, Oatsy is not a breakfast cereal and Leona only goes with Cola. A world where a Tree is not a Tree, but a girl in Ireland who cant pronounce her "H's". Where Pookie tends her Lady Garden and a Crazzichic has #shoegasm's. Where the Munchkin loves her Puffiedoodle, #Sixteeth was an international event, Food is "FTW" and the holy grail is the Badman.

You "Wutt Wutt" when your happy "Whomp Whomp" when your mad, and you spread the love with your #Emotweets when the mood takes you.

In this world... if your not "G" you'll soon learn to be.

This is a place with a Language all of its own. Where the smallest event can have the largest significance, where everyone is important, where the common bond is Music and Love and there is no hate. The only thing that matters here is your Love for Shontelle and her music, and Shontelle's love for you.

In short.. The Twarmy is the place to be....

If your wondering..."How can I ever be a part of this?" "Will I fit in, could I be accepted?" The answer is YES.. If you are thinking all this is confusing & you'll never understand it all.. have no fear, you soon will understand the language. Once you join the Twarmy you will be part of something that is growing. You will soon understand and then you will be able to add to this colourful world in your own special way. Soon you will be a #Goon, and you will be proud to be one!!!

And then one day when Shontelle comes to your town you can be a Proud member of the Twarmy and go and meet her, just like so many of the Twarmy already has. This is a young lady who loves her Fans. Just ask Blowy, who is now a close Fran!!!

But its not all Chocolate and Roses in Shontelle's Twarmy.. there's the serious business of spreading the word, being a Fan, making sure that you request Shontelle's music on your Radio Stations. Its all great fun and you will be encouraged along the way by your new Twarmy Family and especially by Shontelle.

Shon's latest single "Impossible" is heading up the charts, and with the release of the Music Video its our chance to give a real push & spread the word about Shontelle's awesome Talent. And Impossible is just the beginning, there is so much more terriffic music on the way, and the new album, "No Gravity" will be released in the coming months.

So come on, join the Twarmy now!! Just follow Shontelle on Twitter.. @Shontelle_Layne , register on her official website http://www.shontellemusic.com/ and her official Fansite http://www.shontelleonline.com/ Say Hi to @KedrewBrent (AKA "Hannah" )who runs the fansite. Hit up all the other Goons, Stans, Tards, Grans, and Fans who are part of the Twarmy and are waiting to make friends with you right now!