Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Join Shontelle's Twarmy!!

Unity in Young People, Common Bonds, Crossing all Boundaries…how Music & a Singers love for her Fan’s can change the world...

There’s a kid in all of us. As I have gotten older and things have changed in my world, one thing I have been less afraid of is my inner child. I can’t help it, I love modern Music, and I love what there is out there for young people to do & get involved with. I love how the world is becoming a smaller place.

Always talk of doom & gloom but not here, not today. There is so much that is wonderful in our world. We mustn’t forget all the things that give us pause. We must embrace the need for everyone to pay attention too all the wrongs in our world. But we must also celebrate what is right and good and worthy of praise.

Twitter is a wonderful medium. Like many I guess, I came along curious about it and was soon having a ball of a time following famous people, and lately not so famous. But today is the day for telling one story.

One of the people I came across was Shontelle Layne, a singer from Barbados. She is most famous for the song T-Shirt, but also has one Album out called Shontellegence and another hit “Stuck with each other” from the movie “Confessions of a Shopaholic”. Over the last year Shontelle has done many wonderful things, including touring with Beyonce in the UK and various other appearances. And amongst this she is recording her 2nd Album,"No Gravity" which is due to be released in the US Summer.

So what makes this Young Lady Different you ask?.. There are lots of Singers on Twitter, with Millions of Followers. But there is very few like this one……

Since I have followed her I have watched her interact with her fans. At first only a couple of thousand, now over 20 thousand, still relatively small. This blog is about changing that. At first, like many celebrities, Shontelle would reply to messages and tweet details of her adventures. But soon it became evident that she was getting to know these young people, would know who they were, would ask after them and even start to follow them. One particular fan, (I wont embarrass people by saying names) started a small campaign for fun to have Shontelle named MsTwitter UK and because it was fun lots of people joined in, including me. And what happened next is nothing short of miraculous. All these followers started becoming friends with each other. Young people from all around the world uniting in a common bond. And Shontelle joined in as well, streaming live to her followers and having great fun with music, grieving the death of MJ, sharing all the good times and bad. The group of followers came up with a name for itself…. “Shontelle’s Twarmy” A name that stuck like glue, there is even wrist bands!!!. This new Twarmy became united behind the fortunes of Shontelle. I remember saying to one of them once.. “Heres a story of true friendship with people you never meet”. People from all over the world that genuinely care about each other, who talk every day, who know each other well. And Shontelle, for her part, is right there with them, a genuine friend to them all.

Its easy to be critical of this sort of thing, an Artist just promoting themselves, not genuine & only a way to get publicity. But in this case you would be wrong. Shontelle genuinely cares about the fans who are linking up with her. There is new members coming along, new friends being made everyday. It’s been a slow process, but it is happening and it is good and worthy of praise. I don’t think there is any limit to this type of thing. A Singer who genuinely wants to connect with her fans and make them friends. A young woman who openly says her dream in life is: “To be successful, so that I can help people. The more successful I become, the more people I can help”. This dream I believe and all the things I have observed have shown me that Shontelle is completely genuine and focused on doing exactly that!

So here’s my message to all young people, who like Music, would like to be part of something wonderful and would enjoy making new REAL friends from all over the world…. JOIN SHONTELLE’S TWARMY!!!!!!!!!

What you will get is not only great music.. Her new single is out now "Impossible”. Its a powerful ballad and leaves you in no doubt about the incredible talent and passion that Shontelle has. Also there's another club song called "Licky". Its fun & infectious and about Food!!!!.. If you were in the Twarmy you would know all about how important food is!! Hehehe. And you would have been lucky enough (Being part of the Twarmy) to hear some of the other songs for her new Album. And the only way to describe all the new Music is “AWESOME”. Lots of Collaborations, one fantastic one with Mr Hudsen.
How do you join?.. Easy. Just follow Shontelle on twitter @Shontelle_Layne , tell her you have “Joined the Twarmy!” Register on her Official Website and the awesome fansite run by one of her close fans and friends

Then start uniting with all the other Twarmy guys. Spread the word. Download the music. Enjoy our talented Shontelle. But most of all be part of something special. Unite with your fellow young people from all over the earth.. Change our World…….

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