Friday, May 14, 2010

The Lost Generation, Palindromes and the Ultimate Challenge...

Shontelle Layne posted this video from her twitter today and asked her followers how it made them feel....

A Palindrome is something(a word, phrase, number or sequence) that means exactly the same when read forwards or backwards... this video shows exactly opposite of a palidrome and has a deep meaning for each of us to think about. The sheer brilliance of this poem in itself only amplifies the message for me.
... now for those of us that have followed Shontelle and know of her efforts to connect with her fans and create unity it comes as no surprise that the message in this video has motivated her to ask the question... "How do you feel?"

The video was entered in a competition held in 2007 by the American Association of Retired Persons who were trying to create dialogue between generations, asking the question "How do you see yourself at 50?". The fact that the video above came in second does not take away the fact that it has impacted the lives of millions and shows us that we can reverse the Palindrome in our own lives by taking the Ultimate Challenge.. to make our dreams come true.

In Music... as in all industry, there is the challenge to succeed... to have an impact... to make a difference.. to reap a reward. We all can easily see what is happening in the music world because of it's exposure to us all through the media and the fact that Music is something that is central in all our lives. We mention people and events in Music and everyone can relate. The most successful people in music garnish the sort of admiration that is normally reserved for royalty or the highest religious and political leaders. You can say the most powerful person on the planet is a rapper from New York or the lead singer from an Irish rock band.... and you are not far from the truth.

So one measure of success in Music is adoration from fans... but how are the rest of us going to measure our own success... who is going to adore us? We are the Lost Generation after all.....
Late last year Bloomberg's Business weekly had a article about a Lost generation....
...the effects of spiralling unemployment and lack of job opportunity for young people, the long term effect on those who cannot grab onto that first rung in the Career Ladder. Over 46% of young people 16-24 never had jobs. The article studies these effect and talks about ways in which the world as a whole can tackle the problem, what the causes are and predictions for the future. Its not a rosey picture.... it doesnt look like these business people, political leaders, economic forecasters and social commentators are going to be able to help us a great deal...... so maybe its time to do something for ourselves.....

Let me use the Music Industry to give my message and talk about people and things we can all relate too. Lets start dreaming about our future's and making them come true...
We all know who Lady Gaga is... We all know Susan Boyle.... We all know Usher... We all know Beyonce... and we all are starting to know Shontelle. Let me use these examples of people in Music and lets try and find some things to think about...

Are you one of Lady Gaga's lil monster's?.. If you are well you are well on the way to knowing how to dream your own future. The message from Lady Gaga is Be Yourself... Be who you are. Never stop being YOU. Whatever feelings of doubt you have about yourself will be overcome and you just keep being who you are. In the end its what will make you. Being You.

Susan Boyle.. never been kissed. Now here is a lady 48 years old, who spent her life looking after her mother and being thought of as simple. Someone who no one thought would amount to much. Here is someone who one day built up the strength to march out and show the world what she has got. The lady who Dreamed a Dream. She is living proof that no matter who you are and what your circumstance if you have a dream and you can build up the strength in yourself to be brave and have a go, then your dream will come true....

Usher... "I believed it. The world just had to catch up with the reality that I had in my mind" ... and he is right, if you dont believe it no one else will. To have others believe in you is one thing.. its everything to believe in yourself. Usher takes it one step further by sharing his strength of belief with others and showing them how believing in yourself can be so powerful.. Ever heard of Justin Bieber? isnt he Kim's boyfriend?..hehe

Seen Beyonce Live? ... if you have you would of experienced something that is almost surreal. That Lady can actually sing as well live as she does in the studio. She can actually dance flat out and sing at the same time. Two of my most enduring memories ...watching a video of her throwing herself out into her fans in london, and singing perfectly in tune and in time while being tossed about in the crowd... and watching her live on stage sing Ava Maria in Latin..
What is it about her... Thought Number 4.. Practise Makes Perfect
The only reason (apart from her obvious talent) that makes her stand apart is that she knows the meaning of practise makes perfect. She is Legendary for it. So Practise living your dream, be it study, be it action, be it words... Practise.

Shontelle... be prepared to Work... Grind. The message from Shontelle is that it is not going to be easy. Its going to take time and its going to be hard work. But if you have a Dream and it is what you love, then you will love the path to get there and you will appreciate your success so much more when you have earnt what you have got by striving for it. Forget about overnight success.. always remember the goal and strive for it. You will get there in the end, Shontelle is proof of that.

So thoughts for the "Lost Generation" Be yourself.., Be Brave..., Believe..., Practise..., Work Hard.....

Have a Dream.........

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