Friday, March 30, 2012

It was all a dream.....

A Dream?

who ever has those..... listened to a song and imagined me singing it up there... Yep I have dueted with Beyonce many a late evening with my Earphones on....

... watched a movie and imagined being me being the wild action hero... Yep I have taken that jump, beat up the bad guys, I dreamed I was the other Expendible.. the one at the back of the photo, you can't really see me but I'm there and as tough as the rest of them ... hehe

I'm not really talking about those type of dreams, I'm seeing a small comment and a picture that's inspired me to dream again about how I am a great writer who can make them all sit up and take notice...

I don't want to write about my vivid imagination about how I can sing, dance, act and be rich and famous because thats just me enjoying a little fantasy, those things are not my dream. But certainly these are the dreams of some people and they are either living them or are striving and struggling towards making them true. And I love to watch them, imagine being them, I love to see them succeed. It inspires me to think about my dream.

Do I have a dream? Do I follow it? Am I living my dream.... can I make my dreams come true, can we all?

Sigmund Freud, the father of psychoanalysis, explained dreams as manifestations of our deepest desires..... he believed that dreams are real.

"Dreams are successions of images, ideas, emotions, and sensations that occur involuntarily in the mind during certain stages of sleep." ..... I like this idea, because to me it means if you dream it, it is meant to be. Its like a dream is the meaning of your life, if you have a dream then it is suppose to happen, it is suppose to be and it will be. Its like you just cannot stop it...... but somehow we all do. "It was all a dream...." It is there for us to take it, but......

I have to believe my dream will come true. I have to have people believe in me, to support me, to reassure me. Things have to happen so that my dream will start to be real. I have to work towards my dream and things have to fall into place. So many obsticles along the way, so many challenges and struggles. Its hard, I have tried and tried, but its not happening... "It was all a dream....."

The trouble with what I have just written is that all I am talking about is me. I'm thinking about it and starting to realize that the problem is me. It seems like I am in the way of making my dreams come true. The thing is I am guessing is that I don't really believe it.. I have doubts. "It was all a dream..."

How can I believe that my dream is real and not believe it at the same time. If Freud is right then whats my problem?

My Problem is that I am fighting it. I am the one who is trying to stop my dream happening. When I told myself "It was all a dream..." I am being my own worst enemy. My dream is real, it is going to happen, it is meant to be. All that has happened and all that will happen are because my dream is being realized and I have to get my head out of the way and my heart back into the race.

So OK, now I have sorted that out I can get on with the job of letting my dream come true on its own and just do what my dream tells me to do, because thats just the way it is. and nothing will stop it, not anything or anyone. Because my Dream is real. As real as the snot up your nose!

And no matter what YOUR dream is, its going to come true, just let it. A grammy on Mommas hutch is only just a matter of time, so we all better do like she say's and stop dreaming and get back to work.

Stay Lush xx

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